Thursday, December 20, 2007
National Treasure & Nicholas Cage
Okay, I am home! Yipee! So what does one do when one comes home? Go watch a movie of course, and I watched 2. The first was The Golden Compass which I sincerely loved cos it made me feel completely that little Papu (my doggy boy) is my daemon and the second was National Treaure 2 which reminded of the fact that while I was with my band in LA I actually visitied Nicholas Cage in his Belair home.We were negotiating our deal with Island Records Chris Black and got the please to meet my favourite legend Joni Mitchells' music producer David Bernshaw who we met through another assicatie of ours at Island Records. For the life of me, I cannot remember his name but he asked us the girls in Jungk then if we would like to go see Nick Cage as he was going over to his place that night to watch MTV Awards with him. Jim Carrey was on, and the 3 of them were actually old school friends. Who would turn it down, afterall we were a bunch of asian aliens in Lala land and it would be fun to visit Belair.So we got there and Nick opened the door, I have to say that he looks exactly like how he looks on the big screen, I mean exactly. We walked through like 5 doors before reaching the big hall where he had a massive movie theatre of his own, there was a bed with standpoles and red satin sheets at one end, a couch in the middle of this giant hall-like room, a chandelier made of antlers hanging from the ceiling, a beautiful fireplace, and lots of old antique looking furnitures. The long glass panel doors on one side led out to a gorgeous swimming pool. The house was a maze...and yes, amazing. So his butler comes around with food from his personal chef, cavier-cream biscuits, salmon puffs etc. an array of finger foods and lots of beautiful red wine.So he sits with us and we watch the MTV awards and Jim Carrey comes on of which he and our music assiocate decided to call Carrey's dad to cheer on the situation. Well by and by I got to speak the man so I asked what was his next project, he said that he was going to be a car thief (which I know now to be Gone in 60 Seconds) and I told him that my favourite was still when he was a psycho villian ( in Face Off still my personal favourite despite the fact that he won an Oscar for `Leaving Las Vegas') but he said that he wanted to stretch himself and take on different roles, can't always be a villian.
So I asked the question then that I really wanted to ask, isn't it difficult to have lost your freedom, the freedom to go out for a quart of milk if you wanted to, to just be yourself without the world's scrutinty and he said while looking around his grand castle home ` Well, its all worth it, isn't it?' I loved that answer.
So we finished the show and we thank him for the lovely evening as he walked us to the door, giving us a good smile and a wave good bye plus good luck for our bands' success. It was pretty dreamy and I was pretty dazed, it was weird seeing someone on the big screen in real life....perhaps we were all star-dusted for a little while, me and the girls. It was all so cordial in a romantic setting for a home. I realised that I had left my denim hat at his home, strange but I was actually pretty happy about it, like I had left a mark there, even though I am sure my hat was dumped later on, it was still a queer feeling.
I guess at the end of the day, we all have a purpose in life, some of us are made for love, some for passion, some for light and others for dreams. We are so small and big at the same time.
This is my little story of meeting Nick Cage, the physical man and the one on the huge screen I saw last night are not that different after all. We just have to be the best we can be, everyday of us lives............
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